How Colon Hydrotherapy Can Help With Weight Loss

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How Colon Hydrotherapy Can Help With Weight Loss

Colon cleansing has the potential to aid weight loss.
An average adult holds anywhere between 5 – 40 lbs of waste in their Colon at any one time.
By removing this waste, and gently exercising the Colon muscle using an Open System Colon Hydrotherapy device, the natural bowel function and anatomy can start to return to normal.

It can kick start your metabolism.  Metabolism is simply our bodies ability to break down, and utilise food into energy. Having an impacted Colon will reduce the bodies ability to synthesise and eliminate waste, affecting your metabolism.

Colon Hydrotherapy is a complimentary therapy which helps by refocusing your attention on better food choices, & whole body wellness.

A clean colon vastly reduces food cravings, removes toxins & undigested food, thereby flattening the stomach.

Colon Hydrotherapy gives a quick start to any weight loss goals, so long as you are committed to make some dietary and lifestyle changes along the way to support the therapy.


Colon cleansing has the potential to aid weight loss.
An average adult holds anywhere between 5 – 40 lbs of waste in their Colon at any one time.
By removing this waste, and gently exercising the Colon muscle using an Open System Colon Hydrotherapy device, the natural bowel function and anatomy can start to return to normal.

It can kick start your metabolism.  Metabolism is simply our bodies ability to break down, and utilise food into energy. Having an impacted Colon will reduce the bodies ability to synthesise and eliminate waste, affecting your metabolism.

Colon Hydrotherapy is a complimentary therapy which helps by refocusing your attention on better food choices, & whole body wellness.

A clean colon vastly reduces food cravings, removes toxins & undigested food, thereby flattening the stomach.

Colon Hydrotherapy gives a quick start to any weight loss goals, so long as you are committed to make some dietary and lifestyle changes along the way to support the therapy.